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Not all ghost towns are ram shackled and run down. And not all are disserted and abandoned. Jaite, Ohio is a good example of that. It has it's ghosts, but they are only a testament to years long passed.
Back in the 1980s, I worked for 16-years at Jaite Packaging Company in the Peninsula Valley in Ohio. It was a good job. The company made packaging for food, medical, soda bottles and many other businesses. Remember the plastic banners that flew over auto dealer's lots years ago? Well, many came from Jaite Packaging.
This blog is about the "original" Jaite. It was a paper mill and a company town. This was it's origin. The Jaite that I worked for was a relation of the original. There were many companies with their own towns throughout the early to mid 1900s. The coal mines of West Virginia was full of them. The paper industry had their fare share as well.